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Media Releases

Lorne fires update

22 December 2015

Two fires continue to burn near Lorne in separate parts of the Great Otway National Park, both caused by a lightning strike on Saturday night.

The Lorne Jamieson Track fire is located north of Jamieson track in the Great Otway National Park, 8kms west of Lorne. Fire ignition was due to a lightning strike on Saturday 19 December 2015. The fire has burned approximately 104 hectares. 

Firefighters continue to work on the fire to construct a fire break. Favourable weather conditions over the next few days will assist fire-fighting activities; expected high danger fire weather later in the week is of concern. Local communities are reminded to stay informed with current information.

The Lorne Delaney’s Road fire is located South of Delaney’s Road and Callahan Falls within the Barwon Downs area in the Great Otway National Park, 12 kms north of Lorne. Fire ignition was due to a lightning strike on Saturday 19 December 2015. The fire has burned approximately 6ha hectares.

Firefighters continue to work on the fire to construct a fire break. Favourable weather conditions over the next few days will assist fire-fighting activities; expected high danger fire weather later in the week is of concern. Local communities are reminded to stay informed with current information.

Currently there are a total of 94 personnel, 28 firefighting appliances, 7 dozers and 4 aircraft working on both fires.

Crews and Dozers will continue to black out, and will continue to monitor the fire activity for the next few days. Both fires have currently a mineral earth break being constructed around the entire perimeter.

While there is no threat to communities at this stage, communities need to stay informed.
Tourism has not been affected by these fires and visitors and holiday makers are free to travel along The Great Ocean Road.


The following camp sites and tracks within the Great Otway National Park are currently closed for public safety until further notice:

  • Wye River Road & Jamieson’s Campgrounds
  • Wye River Road Track
  • Godfrey’s Track
  • Jamieson Track
  • Curtis Track