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Media Releases

Victorians Warned To Prepare For Fire Season Now

6 November 2015

Victorians have been urged to prepare for the upcoming summer fire season, which is forecast to be long, hot and dry across the state.

Fire Action Week, 1-8 November, is Victoria’s annual fire planning and preparation week. The week also signals the start of the annual Summer Fire Campaign, in partnership with emergency services.

So far this season, emergency crews have responded to more than 1,000 fires across the state, including 385 bush, scrub and grassfires in just one week in early October.

In 2014-15, emergency services responded to around 4,250 bush and grass fires.

For those living near bush or grassland leaving early is the safest option on a high-risk fire day.

Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley said Fire Action Week was an opportunity to think about fire risk where you live, prepare your property, and decide what you’ll do if a fire starts in your area this summer.

“Understand your risk, where to get information and have conversations so that you know exactly what to do when the high winds fan fires towards your home,” Mr Lapsley said.

“Knowing the Fire Danger rating system is really important. You should know where to find it, on the web or an app or on roadside signs.

“Think about what you’re going to do if the Fire Danger Rating is Severe, Extreme or Code Red.

“Know what the ratings mean about the weather and fire conditions, and think about what you’ll do to get ready or take action.

“Know your information sources and remember, always have more than one. The radio is a really good source of information, emergency broadcasters work with us to get information and warnings out to you.

“Fire Action Week in Victoria is a reminder to you to have the discussion do the work, have the discussions and make decisions that will save your life.”

For help understanding your risk and how to get prepared for summer, visit, download the FireReady app or call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667.