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Media Releases

Victorian emergency services to assist Tasmania fires

16 February 2016

A total of 74 Victorian emergency services personnel will arrive in Burnie, Tasmania today to assist the Tasmania Fire Service in their ongoing firefighting efforts.

Tasmanian firefighters are battling approximately 76 active fires with approximately 250 personnel from across Australia currently providing assistance on the ground. The fires in Tasmania have already burnt 123,860 hectares.

Victorian personnel being sent to Tasmania today include strike teams and support such as mechanical officers and health and safety personnel.

The plan is to deploy a further 69 Victorians next week.

Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley said Victoria was fortunate to be in a position to send additional resources to Tasmania.

“While our fire season isn’t over, the milder conditions in Victoria allow us the opportunity to assist our interstate colleagues.”

All 74 personnel being deployed today are from CFA (Country Fire Authority) brigades located in outer metropolitan Melbourne. 

Over 30 trucks and vehicles have been shipped to Burnie and will be ready for deployment tomorrow once crews arrive.

All agencies across Victoria are committed to providing assistance, whether it be personnel or vehicles, to whichever state needs it the most at any time throughout the year.

“Victoria has a strong network of firefighters and emergency management personnel who operate in specialist roles and we are pleased to be able to share these resources and expertise with our friends in Tasmania,” Mr Lapsley said.

“We hope the combined efforts will make a difference and help bring these fires under control.”

For current information and warnings for the Tasmanian fires, please visit